For those of you who don't know, DonorsChoose is a website where teachers can request materials for their classrooms and students. Teachers "shop" for the needed materials though vendors that are associated with Donors Choose. Teachers then write a short essay explaining their situation, need, and how these materials will help their students. Once approved, Donors Choose will post the essay and request on their website. ANYONE can donate any amount you wish - it works just like checking out on! When the project is fully funded, Donors Choose will purchase the materials and send them to the teacher's school. Everyone that donates gets a thank you (if you donate over $100 or you are the donor who gives the last amount to fully fund you get homemade thank you cards from the students!).
You may remember that last year I was able to get two new cd players for our music room at my old school in Odessa. I am teaching in a new district this year and I am requesting a digital video camera for my classroom. You can view my teacher page at mrs.stewart and view my project from there. Or you go directly to my project page at donors/proposal.html?id=362881 .
Please please pass this on to anyone you think would be interested in helping us out, or if you're so inclined, donate a little yourself (even if it's $1). Every little bit helps!
iMuchas Gracias!
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